Medical Outreach

Our modus operandi during medical outreach is to always have 3 main stages during patient consultation. Phase one is patient sees a medical doctor after the initial triage. From doctor’s office, they move to the second stage made of counselors. During counselling, patients are prayed and led to Christ if not yet Born Again. After the spiritual counselling, patient proceed to pharmacy for their prescriptions to be filled.

Each year, we follow the leading of the Lord to determine where the event would hold. So far, the event has taken place as follows:

  • Year 2014: Abeda, Logo LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2015: Jootar, Ukum LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2016: Ayua, Katsina – Ala LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2017: Iorja, Logo LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2018: Gbagir, Ukum LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2019: Mchia, Logo LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2020: COVID -19 interruption

  • Year 2021: Tyogbenda, Katsina-Ala LGA, Benue State

  • Year 2022: Amaafu, Katsina-Ala LGA, Benue State

The nature of health services we do provide include treatment for communicable and non communicable diseases, sexual and reproductive health, HIV screening among others. Several surgical operations are usually carried out including herniorrhaphies, hydrocelectomies, appendectomies, lipoma excisions etcAs at the beginning of 2023, a cumulative total of 5246 patients have received free medical services including 549 surgeries while a total of 59 health and non health professionals were used by God to accomplish the feat to God’s glory.

We trust God that the 2024 medical outreach will take place in Ushongo, Kwande LGA, Benue state, from 6th – 7th December 2024.


The medical outreach in Adeyongo, Vandeikya Local Government Area of Benue State was a huge success. A total of 91 surgeries were carried out on 79 people while the total number of patients that got medical attention with prescriptions filled was 437.

Amaafu 2022 Medical Outreach

A total of 993 patients received free medial consultation and had their prescriptions filled for free while 95 surgeries were carried out at the Primary Health care Center in the community.

The medical team on transit
A cross section of the medical team members

Tyogbenda 2021 Medical Outreach

At Tyogbenda, the authority concerned allowed us to use the public primary health facility for the medical outreach. A total of 642 received free medical consultation and had their prescriptions filled while 75 surgeries were carried.

Mchia 2019 Medical Outreach

A total of 467 patients received free medical consultations with free drugs while 96 surgeries were carried out. The Catholic public primary school in the community was used for the medical consultation while the surgeries took placed in a room that was improvised with the community Town Hall building.

L-R. Dr. Luper Uva, Matron Pahar, Pharm Anongo Korsho, Dr Tyo, Dr Tyoior, Mr Orkashima, Dr Moses Patrick, Pharm Doofan Shambe, Bro Israel Ashuku, Pharm Baka.
Matron Pahar, Mr. Orkashima, Dr. Tyior, Dr. Uva, Dr.Tyo and Dr. Moses Patrick with others in Gbagir medical outreach

Gbagir 2018 Medical Outreach

During the Gbagir medical out reach, due to administrative bottle neck, we could not get the permission to use the public health facility in the community. We used a private health facility. The turn up was great and many lives were impacted as 94 surgeries were carried while 792 patients received free medical consultations and free drugs.

Iorja 2017 Medical Outreach

At Iorja, as usual, the people came from different surrounding communities. Again, the Lord opened the door of favor for us as we were allowed to used the Comprehensive Health Center in the community. A total of 68 surgeries were carried while 655 patients received free medical consultation with free drugs.

Bro Israel Terna Ashuku preparing theatre materials
Pharm Cyprian Njoalu (yellow T-shirt) with pharmacy team members

Ayua 2016 Medical Outreach

At Ayua, people came from surrounding villages as well. With the permission from the authority of Comprehensive Health Center, a public health facility. The facility was used for both consultations and surgeries. A total of 682 patients were seen by the medical team while the number of surgeries was 48. The joy of the community knew no bound with the two-day medical outreach.

Jootar 2015 medical outreach

The Jootar medical outreach was held in December 2015. CIAPE used the primary health care facility in the community with the permission of the authorities of the health facility. It was good news to the Jootar community and the surrounding villages. A total of 48 surgeries were carried while 600 patients received free medical consultations and drugs.

Medical Team. L-R. Dr. Igbabee, Dr. Okwunjo, Dr. Uva, Mr. Chiidi, Pharm. Tor-Anyiin, Pharm. Anaakaa, Miss Nguseer, Dr. Tyo, Dr. Korsho, Mr Ashuku and Dr Agulebe.
Some of the medical team members and a pastoral team

Abeda 2014 medical outreach

This was the maiden medical outreach. The authorities of the Universal Reformed Church of Christ (NKST) Health Center and NKST Primary School Abeda allowed us to use their facilities for consultation and surgical operations respectively. The outreach which held for two days in November 2014 had 25 surgeries and with 514 patients receiving medical consultations with free drugs.